Farmers in Kitui County were depending on rainfall for growing cotton and food crops. Kitui being a semi-arid county rainfall is very erratic and making it difficult for the farmers to grow the crops. While cotton does relatively well with little rainfall, food crops such as vegetables do well with regular supply of rainfall. Kitui County as a result has been considered a food insecure county. Some farmers could afford petrol engines to pump water from nearby water sources however they incur high cost in purchasing fuel.The bio diesel is sold at a cost of 7-10% below the pump price of conventional diesel.
CEZAM and Associates Limited (HLB Cezam) is a professional services firm registered in Kenya in 2002 and is an independent member of the HLB International network. HLB Cezam provides quality and personalized services to local and international organizations executing business in Kenya with clientele mainly drawn from: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs); Private and family owned enterprises and Donor and government agencies.
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